I'm not sure how to keep my list on the front page. It looked crappy when I posted it in the sidebar, so I'm just going to repost it every once in a while!
October 28, 2008- July 26, 2011
Bold= Complete
Red= In progress
1. Get rid of 101 things I don’t use anymore (101/101)
2. Try 5 new foods (5/5)
3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week for 1 month
4. Paint my nails a fun dark color
5. Meet Wendy
6. Go back to New York City, come home with my mental health intact
7. Run a mile without stopping
8. Run the Truffle Shuffle
9. Complete Couch to 5k
10. Run a 5k
11. Run a 10k
12.Run the Disney World Half Marathon in October 2010
13. Attend a wedding
14. Sew an item of clothing for myself
15. Drive on the left side of the road (in a place where it’s legal)
16. Finish MSW
17. Make a new friend
18. Go on a cruise
19. Get to my “magic #” goal weight and stay at or under it
20. Learn to cook 10 dishes well (10/10)
21. Visit Canada
22. Become a better photographer
23. Start a new journal, write consistently
24. Take a cooking class
25. Try snowboarding
26. Organize laundry/craft room/office, maintain organization system
27. Donate my wedding dress if not sold by 1-yr. anniversary
28. Make challah from scratch
29. Run at least 2 5k races after the half marathon (2/2) (keep running!)
30. Subscribe to a CSA for one season with no wastefulness (i.e. use or share everything)
31. 500 blog posts
32. Do at least 3 tips, activities, recipes, or projects from Martha Stewart Living (0/3)
33. Make bread from a starter
34. Visit Poppy’s grave
35. Pay a surprise visit to someone out-of-state
36. Write 101 comments on other peoples’ blogs (101/101)
37. Cook something from 5 cookbooks I own but have never used (5/5)
38. Be a vegetarian for 1 week
39. Clean out upstairs storage area
40. Visit Pike Place Market
41. Have a photo accepted to Tastespotting.com
42. Organize kitchen drawers and cabinets to optimize storage space
43. Organize bathroom shelves
44. List one thing I like about myself every day for a month (30/30)
45. Spend some time in Seattle
46. Take a photo every day for a year in 2010, have a dedicated blog
47. Start a personal savings account
48. Use slow cooker for something new at least 2 times (1/2)
49. Make pickles
50. Go on a train ride
51. Take a photography lesson from a professional
52. Study about and celebrate a Jewish holiday I usually forget about
53. Eat breakfast at home every day for one month (30/30)
54. No complaining for 24 hours
55. Master pizza from scratch
56. Make a personal budget
57. Eat a Nanaimo Bar in Canada
58. Spend my birthday and New Years' in another country
59. Float down a river (real, not water park) in an inner tube
60. No cracking knuckles for a day
61. Ride a horse on a beach (cliche, but I've always wanted to)
62. Actively choose to spend more time outdoors
63. Make Matzoh Ball soup from scratch
64. Watch an episode of Hannah Montana, see what all the fuss is about.
65. Get a job that challenges and excites me
66. Go sailing
67. Go through the rest of my old stuff at my mom's house in Omaha
68. Take vitamins at least 50% of days (70/500)
69. Read the last Harry Potter book
70. Read a Sunday New York Times outside on a nice day
71. Go camping somewhere new at least twice (2/2)
72. Update this blog at least weekly with results and progress (see #28)
73. Paint a new coffee mug at Brushfire
74. Travel outside of North America
75. Take 20 bubble baths (13/20)
76. See Ben Folds in concert
77. Go on a bike ride with Andy 3 times (2/3)
78. Visit a state I've never been to
79. Ride a Jet Ski
80. Drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough
81. Hide a geocache with Andy
82. Go apple picking and bake something with the apples
83. Taste a French macaron
84. Organize important documents/filing system
85. Do the Butte to Butte, stay alive
86. Get to my ideal clothing size, refresh wardrobe as a reward
87. Try 3 different types of seafood (3/3)
88. Finish a New York Times crossword puzzle (any day) on my own
89. See a shooting star
90. Get a job that makes me genuinely happy
91. Decide what I want to be when I grow up
92. Be among the first in the world to ring in 2009
93. Make my “wedding stuff” scrapbook
94. Visit Elana in St. Louis
95. Pay off the car
96. Spend a weekend with just my mom and my sister
97. Get paid to cook or bake something
98. Sell the house
99. Move to a city that makes me happy
100. Read more books for pleasure
101. Love myself unconditionally
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Update 3.7.09 (again)
I forgot to mention that I finished up
53. Eat breakfast at home every day for one month (30/30)
as part of my ongoing efforts to
19. Get to my “magic #” goal weight and stay at or under it.
Which, thank you for asking, is going quite nicely! Almost to the "get there" part. Also, bought plane tickets to complete
6. Go back to New York City, come home with my mental health intact (planned, May 09)
53. Eat breakfast at home every day for one month (30/30)
as part of my ongoing efforts to
19. Get to my “magic #” goal weight and stay at or under it.
Which, thank you for asking, is going quite nicely! Almost to the "get there" part. Also, bought plane tickets to complete
6. Go back to New York City, come home with my mental health intact (planned, May 09)
Update 3.7.09
This update is a quick one. I checked another one off #2, Try 5 New Foods. Andy and I discovered a new (to us) vegetarian Chinese restaurant in town recently. We're Chinese food lovers, and we've always driven by this place, I'm not sure why we never went in and complained for years about the lack of good Chinese food in the Eug.
Anyways, we went to this place for dinner the other night (I was going to cook, but the kitchen has been overrun by ants. That's a whole other story). I ordered a tofu dish, which is pretty damn safe (and yummy), but they have all kinds of fake meat and fried soy stuff on the menu also. I had a taste of Andy's fried soy stuff (I forget what it's actually called. It wasn't mimicking a meat, but it certainly wasn't the tofu I'm used to either).
It wasn't bad, it mostly tasted like something really fried, so I chose not to keep eating it. I tried it though, so I'm up to 3/5 new foods!
I'm also thinking about #4, Paint my nails a fun dark color. Today seems like a good day to do that. Now if I can just get up off the couch and run to the drugstore to purchase said fun dark color...
Anyways, we went to this place for dinner the other night (I was going to cook, but the kitchen has been overrun by ants. That's a whole other story). I ordered a tofu dish, which is pretty damn safe (and yummy), but they have all kinds of fake meat and fried soy stuff on the menu also. I had a taste of Andy's fried soy stuff (I forget what it's actually called. It wasn't mimicking a meat, but it certainly wasn't the tofu I'm used to either).
It wasn't bad, it mostly tasted like something really fried, so I chose not to keep eating it. I tried it though, so I'm up to 3/5 new foods!
I'm also thinking about #4, Paint my nails a fun dark color. Today seems like a good day to do that. Now if I can just get up off the couch and run to the drugstore to purchase said fun dark color...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Update 2.27.09
I am a very, very happy and excited girl. Making plans to complete:
35. Pay a surprise visit to someone out-of-state
in March!
Also, I made an addition to #2, Try 5 new foods. We got oyster mushrooms yesterday in our CSA box, and I sauteed them with a bit of olive oil and garlic. I'm sure I've had them at some point in Chinese food, but I've never made them myself and I'm considering it a new food. Yummy!
35. Pay a surprise visit to someone out-of-state
in March!
Also, I made an addition to #2, Try 5 new foods. We got oyster mushrooms yesterday in our CSA box, and I sauteed them with a bit of olive oil and garlic. I'm sure I've had them at some point in Chinese food, but I've never made them myself and I'm considering it a new food. Yummy!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Update 2.23.09
Time for a massive update. First, I'm thinking about swapping out some items on my list for new ones. I'm not sure if that's against the rules, but I don't really care. When I was making up the list, there were definitely some "filler" items because I had a hard time thinking of meaningful goals. Now that I've had some time to process all of this and get started, there are some other things that I wish were there. So I'll be doing that as I think of them.
Time for a little blurb on all of my in-progress goals:
2. Try 5 new foods: 1/5
I tried vegemite in New Zealand. The authentic way, on toast with lots of butter and just a dab of the vegemite. It wasn't nearly as terrible as I expected, but also not fantastic as the Aussies we were with claimed, in my humble opinion! There was nutella and jam on that breakfast table: give me either of those any day, any time and I'm a happy girl. I had 3/5 listed for this goal, but I can't remember what the other 2 are so I'm not counting it. Yeah, I'm strict like that!
3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times per week for 1 month: 1/12
I started this yesterday. I'm actively trying to lose weight (see #19), so I needed to find a way to exercise that a) I would comply with and b) wouldn't aggravate my delicate herniated disc situation. Exercise has always been a HUGE obstacle/hurdle/challenge for me, and I've always dreamed of finding a way around the aversion. Well, I think I may have found it.
I borrowed a Wii Fit from our neighbors last week, as I was thinking about buying one and wanted to make sure I liked it before spending the money. I'm really glad I did this, because I learned that I love working out with the video game format, but I wasn't crazy about the Wii Fit. I had been losing weight and feeling great, then one day it told me I gained almost 5 pounds, made my avatar look fatter, and hung her head in shame. Not cool and not good for my often fragile state of mind.
So, Andy did a bit of research online and found the game My Fitness Coach. It got raves on Amazon. We had a hard time finding a copy in town, but finally tracked one down at Target. I used it for the first time yesterday, and the reviews were right, it's great! So that's session #1 of 12. My disc is hurting a bit more today, so I'm not going to use it every day like I originally planned. I'm hoping I can modify it enough to keep my back happy, because working out here at home (but not to a workout video, hate those) is really working for me. Yay!
17. Make a new friend: complete
I've actually made 2 new friends! How great is that? One is Bonnie, whom I met on Twitter. We had coffee last month and she's super cool. The other is Emily, who lovingly stalked me on Facebook after learning from our mutual wedding caterer that we both had/have Christmas Tree Farm weddings (she's getting married this summer). When she saw that we had mutual friends on Facebook, she messaged me and the rest is history! We had drinks a couple weeks ago and totally hit it off. I have a hard time talking to strangers but drinks lasted 3 hours! I hope to see them both again soon.
19. Get to my “magic #” goal weight and stay at or under it: in progress
This isn't something I really want to have out there on the internet, as it's pretty personal for me. For now. I'm sure I'll get antsy at some point and gush on about it. I'm just going to say I've been working really hard and it's going well!
20. Learn to cook 10 dishes well (2/10)
I added one more to this list: roasted asparagus. My mother-in-law taught me how (over the phone), and... YUM.
28. Photograph each item on this list as it's accompished: In progress
Well, failing miserably at this one, but I kinda have an excuse. Our camera broke in NZ and we've been fighting with the warranty people who are still holding it hostage. But still, I have ways around it and I could be better about this.
30. Subscribe to a CSA for one season with no wastefulness (i.e. use or share everything): in progress
I wrote about this here. Loving it!
36. Write 101 comments on other peoples’ blogs (42/101)
This one's still my favorite. I like letting people know that I was there and that I appreciate what they have to say. It takes really no time at all, and maybe it could brighten someone else's day. I just really have seen so many wonderful things come from connecting with people on the internet, and it feels good for me to keep making new connections.
53. Eat breakfast at home every day for one month (23/30)
This one's closely tied to #19. Eating at home in general is healthier and cheaper (obviously), but eating out has always been an achilles' heel for me. I never bothered to look up the nutrition information on the supposedly "low fat" blueberry coffee cake that I love at Starbucks until recently. It's amazing how little attention I had been paying to what I put in my body. No more, my friends, no more.
68. Take vitamins at least 50% of days (55/500)
The gummi bear vitamins from Trader Joe's are awesome. After this bottle's gone, though, I'm going to switch to a big-girl kind.
69. Read the last Harry Potter book: in progress
I've started it probably 5 times since it came out, and I don't know what it is, I just have the hardest time picking it up. I was, like most of the Western world, a huge fan of the rest of the books and got giddy chills recently seeing the trailer for the new movie. Something about this book makes it really hard for me to get through it, which is really unlike me. I tried again last week, though, so hopefully I'll be able to plow through. This weekend maybe?
72. Update this blog at least weekly with results and progress (see #28): In progress
So now I'm thinking weekly might have been a bit unrealistic. But as long as I keep doing updates like this, I'll let it slide.
75. Take 20 bubble baths (6/20)
This one's all about doing something nice for myself, because I tend to let that slide. One of my faves on the list for sure.
That's all for now. I'm looking forward to changing out some stagnant things on the list. In the meantime, I'm proud of myself for at least starting to follow through on a lot of these things, because without the structure of this list, I probably wouldn't have done any of them.
Time for a little blurb on all of my in-progress goals:
2. Try 5 new foods: 1/5
I tried vegemite in New Zealand. The authentic way, on toast with lots of butter and just a dab of the vegemite. It wasn't nearly as terrible as I expected, but also not fantastic as the Aussies we were with claimed, in my humble opinion! There was nutella and jam on that breakfast table: give me either of those any day, any time and I'm a happy girl. I had 3/5 listed for this goal, but I can't remember what the other 2 are so I'm not counting it. Yeah, I'm strict like that!
3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times per week for 1 month: 1/12
I started this yesterday. I'm actively trying to lose weight (see #19), so I needed to find a way to exercise that a) I would comply with and b) wouldn't aggravate my delicate herniated disc situation. Exercise has always been a HUGE obstacle/hurdle/challenge for me, and I've always dreamed of finding a way around the aversion. Well, I think I may have found it.
I borrowed a Wii Fit from our neighbors last week, as I was thinking about buying one and wanted to make sure I liked it before spending the money. I'm really glad I did this, because I learned that I love working out with the video game format, but I wasn't crazy about the Wii Fit. I had been losing weight and feeling great, then one day it told me I gained almost 5 pounds, made my avatar look fatter, and hung her head in shame. Not cool and not good for my often fragile state of mind.
So, Andy did a bit of research online and found the game My Fitness Coach. It got raves on Amazon. We had a hard time finding a copy in town, but finally tracked one down at Target. I used it for the first time yesterday, and the reviews were right, it's great! So that's session #1 of 12. My disc is hurting a bit more today, so I'm not going to use it every day like I originally planned. I'm hoping I can modify it enough to keep my back happy, because working out here at home (but not to a workout video, hate those) is really working for me. Yay!
17. Make a new friend: complete
I've actually made 2 new friends! How great is that? One is Bonnie, whom I met on Twitter. We had coffee last month and she's super cool. The other is Emily, who lovingly stalked me on Facebook after learning from our mutual wedding caterer that we both had/have Christmas Tree Farm weddings (she's getting married this summer). When she saw that we had mutual friends on Facebook, she messaged me and the rest is history! We had drinks a couple weeks ago and totally hit it off. I have a hard time talking to strangers but drinks lasted 3 hours! I hope to see them both again soon.
19. Get to my “magic #” goal weight and stay at or under it: in progress
This isn't something I really want to have out there on the internet, as it's pretty personal for me. For now. I'm sure I'll get antsy at some point and gush on about it. I'm just going to say I've been working really hard and it's going well!
20. Learn to cook 10 dishes well (2/10)
I added one more to this list: roasted asparagus. My mother-in-law taught me how (over the phone), and... YUM.
28. Photograph each item on this list as it's accompished: In progress
Well, failing miserably at this one, but I kinda have an excuse. Our camera broke in NZ and we've been fighting with the warranty people who are still holding it hostage. But still, I have ways around it and I could be better about this.
30. Subscribe to a CSA for one season with no wastefulness (i.e. use or share everything): in progress
I wrote about this here. Loving it!
36. Write 101 comments on other peoples’ blogs (42/101)
This one's still my favorite. I like letting people know that I was there and that I appreciate what they have to say. It takes really no time at all, and maybe it could brighten someone else's day. I just really have seen so many wonderful things come from connecting with people on the internet, and it feels good for me to keep making new connections.
53. Eat breakfast at home every day for one month (23/30)
This one's closely tied to #19. Eating at home in general is healthier and cheaper (obviously), but eating out has always been an achilles' heel for me. I never bothered to look up the nutrition information on the supposedly "low fat" blueberry coffee cake that I love at Starbucks until recently. It's amazing how little attention I had been paying to what I put in my body. No more, my friends, no more.
68. Take vitamins at least 50% of days (55/500)
The gummi bear vitamins from Trader Joe's are awesome. After this bottle's gone, though, I'm going to switch to a big-girl kind.
69. Read the last Harry Potter book: in progress
I've started it probably 5 times since it came out, and I don't know what it is, I just have the hardest time picking it up. I was, like most of the Western world, a huge fan of the rest of the books and got giddy chills recently seeing the trailer for the new movie. Something about this book makes it really hard for me to get through it, which is really unlike me. I tried again last week, though, so hopefully I'll be able to plow through. This weekend maybe?
72. Update this blog at least weekly with results and progress (see #28): In progress
So now I'm thinking weekly might have been a bit unrealistic. But as long as I keep doing updates like this, I'll let it slide.
75. Take 20 bubble baths (6/20)
This one's all about doing something nice for myself, because I tend to let that slide. One of my faves on the list for sure.
That's all for now. I'm looking forward to changing out some stagnant things on the list. In the meantime, I'm proud of myself for at least starting to follow through on a lot of these things, because without the structure of this list, I probably wouldn't have done any of them.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Update 1.13.09
I'm back from New Zealand with much to share! While we were gone, I accomplished 6 goals, some planned, some unexpected!
15. Drive on the left side of the road (in a place where it's legal!)
Andy did most of the driving, but I pitched in a bit!
58. Spend my birthday and New Years in another country
There's a whole story behind my birthday and the strange B&B we were staying at in Rotorua, but you probably had to be there. The great thing was, I got 2 birthdays in a row-- we celebrated on the 18th in NZ, and then again on the 19th while it was still the 18th in the US! New Years in Queenstown was amazing.
66. Go sailing
This one was not planned in advance! We had the opportunity to sail on an antique sailboat around Akaroa harbor on the Banks Peninsula. This beautiful bay is the home to Hector's Dolphins, the world's smallest and rarest dolphins. They're super friendly, and loved swimming right alongside the boat!
80. Drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough
This picture was taken on our 6 month anniversary. Yummy local wine!
88. Finish a NY Times crossword puzzle (any day) on my own
My mom had randomly given me printouts of NYT crossword puzzles to kill time on the long plane rides. While waiting in Brisbane for our flight back to LA, I busted them out and finished one quickly and easily! Granted, it was a Monday puzzle, but I was still proud of my little accomplishment.
92. Be among the first in the world to ring in 2009
You can't tell from this picture, but we were dancing in the rain with thousands of other partiers on the streets of Queenstown. It was pretty sweet.
15. Drive on the left side of the road (in a place where it's legal!)
Andy did most of the driving, but I pitched in a bit!
58. Spend my birthday and New Years in another country
There's a whole story behind my birthday and the strange B&B we were staying at in Rotorua, but you probably had to be there. The great thing was, I got 2 birthdays in a row-- we celebrated on the 18th in NZ, and then again on the 19th while it was still the 18th in the US! New Years in Queenstown was amazing.
66. Go sailing
This one was not planned in advance! We had the opportunity to sail on an antique sailboat around Akaroa harbor on the Banks Peninsula. This beautiful bay is the home to Hector's Dolphins, the world's smallest and rarest dolphins. They're super friendly, and loved swimming right alongside the boat!
80. Drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough
This picture was taken on our 6 month anniversary. Yummy local wine!
88. Finish a NY Times crossword puzzle (any day) on my own
My mom had randomly given me printouts of NYT crossword puzzles to kill time on the long plane rides. While waiting in Brisbane for our flight back to LA, I busted them out and finished one quickly and easily! Granted, it was a Monday puzzle, but I was still proud of my little accomplishment.
92. Be among the first in the world to ring in 2009
You can't tell from this picture, but we were dancing in the rain with thousands of other partiers on the streets of Queenstown. It was pretty sweet.
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