Monday, December 8, 2008

Update 12.8.08

I just finished another goal, #64 Watch Hannah Montana to see what all the fuss is about. I must admit, this was one of the very last goals I came up with as I was finishing my list, and was totally grasping at straws trying to come up with a few more to make the 101.

I tend to adore everything that 8 year old girls do, because I'm awesome like that. I was curious about this enormous cultural phenomenon, and had to see it for myself (and secretly thought there was a small chance I'd enjoy it). Well, the timing was right this evening, I was bored and flipping around the channels (which I rarely do), and it was just starting.

It took every ounce of willpower to KEEP it on after I put it on, because I lost interest after about, oh, 2.5 seconds. But now I can say I've seen it, and cross another goal off the list!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update 12.6.08, Parte Dos

I just plowed through and finished #44, 30 things I like about myself. It took more than the month I allotted myself, but I've officially finished my first goal!

This one was much harder than I anticipated. I can't believe I'm about to share this on the internet, but I have really low self-esteem. I hoped that this exercise would help me recognize some worthwhile qualities in myself, and I think it did. At times, it had the opposite effect because it was so hard to think of anything, but overall I'm glad I tried it.

Maybe someday I'll find the balls to post the list here. Until then, I'm celebrating 1 goal down, 100 to go!

Update 12.6.08

It's December! That means New Zealand, birthday, and holidays! We leave a week from today on our month-long belated honeymoon to NZ. I'm so thrilled that I'm feeling well enough to go. While I'm much improved from when I first threw my back out, there's still a very long road to recovery and I have limited mobility, numbness, and a good amount of pain. Trying to keep a positive attitude, do my physical therapy homework, and keep a positive attitude. Can't say that enough.

Anyways, here's what I've been working on:

#36 Commenting on blogs. I'm at 13/101. I've been slowly gaining confidence about randomly commenting and coming out of my shell. Twitter has helped with that (be my friend! i'm @amy_i). I've been enjoying this goal a lot. I went a couple weeks making comments and forgot about accounting for them here, so instead of estimating I'm just not counting those.

#44 30 things I like about myself is almost finished. I'm at 28/30. Hoping to finish before the trip, and it will be the first completed goal!

I had NZ on the brain when I was developing my 101, and will be crossing some things off the list over the next month. Here they are:

Drive on the left side of the road (in a place where it’s legal)
#58 Spend my birthday and New Years' in another country
#80 Drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough
#92 Be among the first in the world to ring in 2009

I'll be back here in mid-January, hopefully with lots of updates.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Update 11.23.08

Well, I'm still struggling with my back pain/nerve damage ridiculousness, but I'm trying to forge ahead in small ways. I'm still working on #44, my list of things I like about myself. Though I haven't been able to do it every day, I'm getting closer.

I also got started on #20, learn to cook 10 dishes well. I recently re-discovered cous cous and it's so easy and yummy. It's a fantastic, quick dish to have in my back pocket.

Finally, I'm rethinking #16 (finish MSW, graduate with 4.0). With everything going on right now, I feel like it might not be healthy to pressure myself into getting straight A's. I have absolutely every intention of continuing with the program for now, but I may edit out the GPA stipulation.

Even though I'm going through a rough patch, my list is often on my mind... going to keep on truckin'!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Update 11.15.08

Hi there. The list is semi-on hold at the moment. I have some health issues that I'm working on healing in time for our trip to New Zealand next month. In the meantime, I'm still working on #36 (commenting on blogs) and #44 (writing 1 thing I like about myself each day for a month).

Oh, and I also got off to a great start on #2 (try 5 new foods). Andy brought back some interesting candy and treats from China, so I tried something called Hawthorn candy (Hawthorn is apparently a fruit). It was... interesting.

Hopefully I'll be back sometime soon and more in full force.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Update 11.3.08

It's been a week since I started my list, and so far I'm really enjoying it. I started small, with easy, do-able tasks, and haven't actually completed anything yet, but I'm on my way. The only thing I have to reflect on so far is that, every day, I try to start #60, no cracking knuckles every day for one week, and fail by mid-morning at the latest. Usually I catch myself doing it absentmindedly, so I'm going to have to be more mindful of my habits. That's what this is all about, isn't it?

Hopefully soon I'll be able to report on something I've actually completed. I'm going to transfer my list to the sidebar of this blog so I don't have to dig for it every time I want to update, as these posts become more frequent. In the meantime, happy November!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My List

October 28, 2008- July 26, 2011

Bold= Complete
Red= In progress
Italics= planned

1. Get rid of 101 things I don’t use anymore (0/101)
2. Try 5 new foods (3/5)
3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes 3 times a week for 1 month (0/12)
4. Paint my nails a fun dark color
5. Meet Wendy (planned, Summer 09!!)
6. Go back to New York City, come home with my mental health intact (planned, May 09)
7. Go to an Opera or Symphony
8. Make challah from scratch
9. Attend a wedding (Beth & Tim, July 09)
10. Be a vegetarian for 2 weeks
11. Make my “wedding stuff” scrapbook
12. Go to a Ducks football or basketball game
13. Learn to knit for real this time, make something other than a scarf
14. Sew at least 2 items of clothing for myself (0/2)
15. Drive on the left side of the road (in a place where it’s legal)
16. Finish MSW (June '10)
17. Make a new friend
18. Go on a cruise (Winter '09 or Summer '10 with Al and Mikey)
19. Get to my “magic #” goal weight and stay at or under it
20. Learn to cook 10 dishes well (1/10)
21. Visit Canada
22. Become a better photographer
23. Start a new journal, write at least once a month for a year (0/12)
24. Take a cooking class
25. Try snowboarding
26. Organize laundry/craft room/office, maintain organization system
27. Donate my wedding dress if not sold by 1-yr. anniversary
28. Photograph each item on this list as it’s accomplished
29. Drink local coffee (i.e. don’t step foot in Starbucks or brew it at home) for 1 month (0/30)
30. Subscribe to a CSA for one season with no wastefulness (i.e. use or share everything)
31. Attend a professional conference
32. Do at least 3 tips, activities, recipes, or projects from Martha Stewart Living (0/3)
33. Make bread from a starter
34. Visit Poppy’s grave
35. Pay a surprise visit to someone out-of-state
36. Write 101 comments on other peoples’ blogs (28/101)
37. Cook something from 5 cookbooks I own but have never used (0/5)
38. Run a mile without stopping
39. Clean out upstairs storage area
40. Visit Pike Place Market
41. Go on first annual Sister Trip with Allie
42. Organize kitchen drawers and cabinets to optimize storage space
43. Organize bathroom shelves
44. List one thing I like about myself every day for a month (30/30)
45. Take a tennis lesson
46. Organize/clean media cabinet
47. Get rid of 101 more things I don't need (0/101)
48. Use slow cooker for something new at least 5 times (0/5)
49. Research and possibly attend a silent meditation retreat
50. Go on a train ride
51. Eliminate soda for at least a month (0/30)
52. Study about and celebrate 2 Jewish holidays I usually forget about (0/2)
53. Eat breakfast at home every day for one month (0/30)
54. Have the Prius detailed
55. Try a group exercise class
56. Visit family and friends in the Bay Area
57. Make my handwriting into a font
58. Spend my birthday and New Years' in another country
59. Float down a river (real, not water park) in an inner tube
60. No cracking knuckles every day for 1 week (0/7)
61. Ride a horse on a beach (cliche, but I've always wanted to)
62. Take the Hwy 101 route to Port Townsend
63. Make Matzoh Ball soup from scratch
64. Watch an episode of Hannah Montana, see what all the fuss is about.
65. Edit New Zealand photos in Photoshop, make iPhoto album of the trip.
66. Go sailing
67. Go through the rest of my old stuff at my mom's house in Omaha
68. Take vitamins at least 50% of days (0/500)
69. Read the last Harry Potter book
70. Read a Sunday New York Times outside on a nice day 5 times (0/5)
71. Go camping somewhere new at least twice (0/2)
72. Update this blog at least weekly with results and progress (see #28)
73. Paint a new coffee mug at Brushfire
74. Decoupage a piece of furniture
75. Take 20 bubble baths (5/20)
76. See Ben Folds in concert
77. Go on a bike ride with Andy 3 times (0/3)
78. Visit a state I've never been to
79. Ride a Jet Ski
80. Drink Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough
81. Hide a geocache with Andy
82. Go apple picking and bake something with the apples
83. Taste a French macaron
84. Organize important documents/filing system
85. Do the Butte to Butte walk with Andy and Oliver (July 09)
86. Have 50 "no spending" days-- and no compensating for these days by spending more on other days (0/50)
87. Decorate/personalize the bedroom and master bath
88. Finish a New York Times crossword puzzle (any day) on my own
89. See a shooting star
90. Join NASW
91. Replace shelving unit in greatroom with something deeper
92. Be among the first in the world to ring in 2009
93. Do something new with Andy every weekend for a summer
94. Donate a dollar for each goal accomplished to a charity of my choice
95. Donate 5 dollars for each goal not accomplished to a charity of my choice (same or different from #94)
96. Spend a weekend with just my mom and my sister
97. Prepare myself and the house for a move
98. Sell the house
99. Buy a better (more family friendly) one, ideally not in Eugene
100. Become financially stable enough to comfortably do #101
101. Get pregnant (nobody freak out, I'm saving this one for last!)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Rules of the Game

For anyone thinking of doing this, and for my own reference, according to the official website of the 101 in 1001 project:

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some common goal setting tips:
1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.

2. Stay Focused. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.

3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.

4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.

5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

Amy's 101 in 1001

Hey everyone! It's Amy from Playing House. I read about 101 in 1001 about a year ago, I can't remember where, and since then have come across it numerous times in the blogosphere. I tend to have lots of nebulous goals and things I start but don't finish, so I thought it would be a really good, structured way for me to accomplish things in my life.

I'm at a place where, even though I'm in graduate school and working towards a career, I feel somewhat stagnant and could use some concrete goals to work on for myself. Although I fear that this will be another thing I start and don't finish, I tried to pick goals that I knew were within my comfort zone and attainable.

Like my other blog (that for some reason, people read on occasion), this space is really for my own reference... but if you'd like to follow along on my journey, you're more than welcome!
